Title: Island Tales
Genre: Caribbean Folklore
Type: Short Stories
They live among us. Creatures who we’ve been warned about since we were children. The elaborate characters and terrifying consequences…the tales have been passed down from generation to generation in an attempt to instilled fear and scare us into behaving the way the adults wanted us to.
But those are just ‘Nansi stories, right?
But what if they weren’t…
Island Tales is a series of twenty-seven stories that feature supernatural beings and folklore characters from across the Caribbean. Fly through the night’s sky with soucouyants, or roam the hills of Bamboo with the Rolling Calf. Indulge yourself in the company of the splendor of a pretty cloven-footed woman, or enjoy some star-gazing in the company of Phantome. However you choose to spend you time here, be sure to do so wisely, for when daylight breaks and the spirits retreat from our land you may find that regular living might be a bit bland for your taste.
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